Olympic Peninsula
Orcas & whales
River otters
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Bald eagles
Blue heron
Golden eagle
White tailed kite
Misc. birds
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Red tail hawk
Snowy owls
Saker hawk
Barn swallows
Misc. birds
Flowers and plants
Western bluebird male - SA16424
Western bluebird male - SA16364
Warbler - 1017647
Savanah sparrow - 101574
Townsend solitaire 1017444
Townsend solitaire - 1017440
White crowned sparrow - 10`7364
Double-crested cormorant - SA15037
Marsh wren - SA14931
Brown creeper - 1016884
Brown creeper - 1016883
Junco - 1016589
Male house finch - 1016032
Killdeer - SA13692
Killdeer - SA13529
Ruby crowned kinglet - 1015763
Towhee - 1015539
Leucistic towhee - SA13189
Male redwing blackbird - SA13177
Chickadee - SA13131
House finch - 1015349
Dark eyed junco - 1014975
Male pheasant - SA12899
Red winged blackbird - SA12778
Black turnstone looking for dinner - SA101265
House finch fluffed up trying to keep warm - SA19081
Snow bunting in the snow - SA18843
Snow buntings - SA17037
Snow bunting - SA17025
Snow buntings - 1005802
Snow bunting - 1004846
Chestnut-backed chickadee - DSC1731
Bushtit - DSC1708
Female bushtit - DSC1680
Chestnut-backed chickadee - DSC1211
Ruby crowned kinglet - DSC1613
Winter wren - DSC1471
Black turnstone - DSC1036
Towhee - 1003291
Caspian terns - SA15396
Caspian tern with lunch - 1002343
Cormorant family - 100700
Cormorant family - SA15317
Cormorant family - SA15274
Cedar waxwing dining on a cherry - SA11695
Robin with a cherry - SA10530
Glaucous gull chick wanting to be fed - SA17039
Glaucous gull chick spreading its wings - SA17022
Glaucous gull & chick - SA16892
Cedar waxwing - SA15266
Killdeer chick - SA13824
Pelagic cormorant - SA12307
Killdeer - SA10921
Male American goldfinch - SA10412
Red crossbill - SA10509
Goldfinch taking a bath - SA19236
Yellow-rumped warbler - 5163470
House wren - 5163225
Caspian terns - SA18618
Caspian terns - SA18595
Caspian terns - SA18809
Cormorant with nesting material - 5163406
House finches - SA14046
Spotted towhee - SA13801
Oystercatcher - DSC9616
Oystercatcher - DSC9620
Young western seagull with a starfish - DSC8120
Towhee - DSC7600
Sparrow's winter home - DSC7569
Angry looking sparrow - DSC7242
Yellow-rumped warbler - DSC4290
House finches - DSC4057
House finch - DSC4063
Dancing seagull - 3608
Caspian tern with a snack - DSC2241
Sanderlings - 8191144
Crow harassing a bald eagle - 6147612
Sanderlings - 8191218
Greater yellowlegs - 8191189
Blue heron - DSC0999
Two young purple martins - DSC0265
Two young purple martins - DSC0469
Young purple martin - DSC0246
Female purple martin - DSC0102
Male purple martin - DS0065
Cedar waxwing with a snack - 7110625
Cedar waxwing - 7110618
Male house finch singing - 7028361
Cedar wax wing - 7018352
Adult guillemot leaving its nest after dropping off lunch - 6147575
Caspian tern - 5183665
Marsh wren - 5022981
Macaw profile - 4262132
Black capped chickadee - 4170223
Song sparrow - 4050295
American robin singing - 3159673
Greater yellowlegs - 2097190
Black. capped chickadee enjoying the sun - B192544
Black vulture - 0002322
Cedar waxwing profile - 0000617
Cedar waxwing eating a berry - 0000682
Cedar waxwing eating a berry - 0000703
Lesser yellowlegs - A151902
Cedar waxwing - 0008010
Song sparrow checking out its reflection - 0007926
Cedar waxwing - 0006350
Young song sparrow - 0004860
American goldfinch - 0004118
Female redwing blackbird - 0002802
American goldfinch getting ready to take a drink - 0003918
Two blackbirds with grubs for their babies - 0003354
House finch with attitude - 0003171
House finch with lunch - 0003162
Song sparrow checking me out - 0003135
Two American goldfinch - 0002930
Female redwings blackbird with breakfast - 0001878
Male redwings blackbird with lunch - 0001975
Sandhill cranes in high key format - S4A7977
Male yellow-rumped warbler - 0001429
Yellow-rumped warbler - 0001523
Female yellow-rumped warbler - 0001484
Western sandpiper - 0000123
Blackbird - 0000576
Junco - 0000108
Savannah sparrow - 0000146
Black capped chickadee - 0005240
Black capped chickadee - 0005220
Black capped chickadee - 0004487
House finch eating cherry blossoms - 0004434
House finch eating the cherry blossom - 0004420
White crowned sparrow - 0003791
White crowned sparrow - 0003317
Cormorant doing a quick fly by - NKD5416
Four lesser yellowlegs on a log - 0001420
Lesser yellowlegs - 0001021
Lesser yellowlegs drying off - 0001186
Lesser yellowlegs bathing - 0001130
Lesser yellowlegs - 0001057
Cedar waxwing landing - NKD2992
Cedar waxwing flying - NKD2915
Cedar waxwing landing - NKD2975
Four cedar waxwings - NKD3057
Cedar waxwing - NKD2916
Female red winged blackbird - NKD9011
Robin feeding on berries - PWV.3431
Robin feeding on berries - PWV.3428
Spotted towhee - PWV.2362
Green heron - PWV.1123
Immature green heron - PWV.1137
Killdeer - 7211811
White crowned sparrow - 4180572
House finch with one of her babies - 4221454
Black oystercatcher - P1296258
Mussel eating black oystercatcher - P1306516
Black oystercatcher - P1306515
Egret coming in to land - PB099612
Egret catching a snack - PB121340
Egret with a bad attitude - PB100376
Bluebird - PB110845
Bluebird on a wire - PB110800
Bluebird - PB089102
Black eyed phoebe - PB120905
American avocet - PB099460
Caspian tern - P7224160
Western meadowlark - PB090086
Female peacock in a tree - PB088772
Pheasant - PA35760
Black capped chickadee - P3301165
Common snipe - PA146014
Green heron in mud - PB089388
Male red winged blackbird - P4051561
Male spotted towhee - S4A0643
A puffed up Savannah sparrow - PA257141
Egret - S4A2481
Egret - S4A2517
Cormorant - J7A4977
Cedar waxwing - J3W3465
Male Californian quail - J3W3593
Western kingbird with lunch - S4A2357
American goldfinch - 8609
Cormorant preening - S4A0333
Cormorant preening - S4A0325
Song sparrow - S4A9748
Black Phoebe - S4A8305
Black billed magpie - J3W0568
Yellow headed blackbird - S4A0871
Yellow headed blackbird - J3W0677
Cormorant having its say about something!! - S4A9907
Cormorants drying in the sun - S4A9895
Cormorant getting ready to take off - S4A9931
Cormorant taking off - S4A9932
Western scrub jay - 6967
Black necked stilt - 8411
Egret enjoying a drink - 8082
Egret standing tall - 8237
Sandhill crane head - 5321
Common loon dining at sunset - S4A6609
Common loon checking things out - S4A6591
Marbled godwit - 8794
Northern shrike - 6452
Snowy egret - 2961
Snowy egret - 3010
Red winged blackbirds - 5642
Goslings taking a bath - 0115
Snowy egret - 4424
Snowy egret - 3292
Yellow leg sandpiper - 8263
Whited crowned sparrow - 3327
Song sparrow - 3027
Western scrub jay - 2591
Sandpiper - 4163
Snowy egret - 3609
Snowy egret - 3428
Black phoebe - 4282
Northern mockingbird - 4492
Black oyster catcher and an old starfish - 2072
Black oyster catcher - 2101
Black oyster catcher - 2105
Cormorants - 1568
Canada goose - 8899
Thayers gull - 6688
Marbled godwit -
Semipalmated plover - 9770
Black bellied plover - 9773
Seagull enjoying a crab for breakfast - 9157
Cormorant - 6218
Spotted towhee - 0384
American goldfinch - 2675